Friday, March 27, 2009

2009-03-09 - Second session

Group went into a "dungeon," which was just an abandoned underground storage tunnel used by ancient black-marketeers. Notes:
  • Party had fun playing a slaughter event where they overpowered the orcs easily. Shows the promise of doing die rolls in front of the party to show them that they are genuinely going up against a legit enemy.
  • Characters molds came out during play. K's character is the lawnmower -- angry and strong, Kris is whimsical and illusory, W is rude and the leader. Need to try to test / play with these roles somehow without taking away the player's fun with that character. Maybe bring out the color of the characters and give them dilemas. K should be sympathetic / have to NOT fight [based on a dream or a situation]. W must be polite to someone and make choices for the whole group [like a group of clerics approach them and W must convince them one way or another for something].
  • They like the black-and-white nature of combat but obviously want something more complex that stretches their brains.
  • They liked the idea of just making a massacre -- this needs to happen from time to time. They don't want to do this often but they liked the idea of trying to do something and succeeding at it fully. Previous adventures its always been a challange to defeat an enemy so this was a welcome reprieve to give them an idea of just how quickly they can dispatch lower powered enemies.
  • They enjoyed the roleplaying element greatly. Need to package into every adventure a little roleplay. Its becoming one of the reasons we play every week. If we have that at the beginning, a tedious fighting session won't be so damaging.
  • They may encounter friends, companions, or non-orc race or person who isn't friends (maybe enemies) with the orcs but isn't friends with the characters either- little roleplay to try and get him to help / not interfere
Session rating: Supersweet

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